Colin Green, seen as an international authority on Ÿood risk management, acted as a specialist advisor on water management to the House of Commons Environment, Food, and Rural A¥airs select committee for a number of their inquiries into Ÿooding, the Floods and Water Bill, and the most recent price and quality round for the water industry in England and Wales. He is a member of the Core International Experts group for the hazard and risk science base at Beijing Normal University, one of China’s “111” projects. Colin sees a strong virtuous circle between theory and practice and has worked extensively for national agencies in both Europe and global countries, including Argentina, China, Egypt, South Africa, and Bangladesh. He was elected to the International Academy of Water in 2000. He is a frequent commentator on television and radio and likes to believe that when the US government complained to the British government about media coverage of Hurricane Katrina they were complaining about.