Our ability to predict bedload transport has been

investigated for several decades and this topic con-

tinues to challenge the research community. One

essential problem is that most measurements and

observations were made in flume experiments with

uniform sediments, whereas field sediments are not

uniform. Consequently, bedload transport evaluati-

ons with field data led to the following conclusions:

(i) models are essentially valid under conditions sim-

ilar to those for which they were developed and no

formula is capable of generally predicting bedload

transport in gravel bed rivers ([Gomez and Church,

1989]); (ii) formulas containing a transport threshold

exhibit the poorest performance ([Barry et al., 2004]);

and (iii) equations can underpredict or overpredict

observed bedload transport rates by several orders of

magnitude ([Barry et al., 2004], [Almedeij and Diplas,

2003], [Bathurst, 2007]).