Alluvial meandering rivers show a rich pattern of

channel migration (Figure 1). Ikeda et al. (1981) intro-

duced the simple algorithm for computing meander

migration shown in Figure 2. Let s and n = stream-

wise arc-length coordinates along and normal to the

centerline, respectively, channel half − width = b,

centerline radius of curvature = R

, depth-averaged

streamwise flow velocity = u¯(s, n) and the migration

rate of the channel normal to the centerline = n˙

. Now

consider the difference u¯ defined as

u¯ = u¯


− u¯



where n = ±(b − ε) denote near-bank positions just

inside the bank boundary layer. In the Ikeda-Parker-

Sawai model (Ikeda et al., 1981, referred to as IPS

below), the relation for migration rate is


Eu¯ (2)

where E is a dimensionless parameter. Figure 2 illus-

trates the principle of the algorithm: the bank nearest

the locus of high velocity erodes, and the opposite

bank deposits.