Table M.2a through Table M.2z give stopping powers, ranges and radiation yields for

electrons in a number of materials of medical interest. Elements have been placed first (a-f),

then compounds (g-i), in order of increasing I-value (see below), then mixtures (j-q) and body

tissues (r-z), in alphabetical order. The electron energies extend from 0.01 MeV (10 keV) up

to 50 MeV, covering the range of interest in radiotherapy; at energies below 10 keV the

validity of the Bethe-Bloch expression for the mass collision stopping power becomes ques-

tionable, especially in high atomic-number materials. The values have been obtained using the

ESTAR computer code, accessed via https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Star/Text/ESTAR.

html where full details of the calculational procedures are given (Berger et al. 2005).