Jacket is a library developed by AccelerEyes, which provides GPU acceleration of many MATLAB built-in functions and language constructs.1025 The main design philosophy behind Jacket was to make the transition from a CPU-bound MATLAB program to a fully GPU-accelerated MATLAB program as transparent as possible to enable rapid development of GPU computing applications in MATLAB. In essence, this was achieved by introducing several GPU-specific data types in the M-language with overloaded operators, as well as by exploiting the inherent parallel nature of M-language constructs. As a result, existing MATLAB programs usually need no further modifications, except changing the data types, to run on GPU. This makes a notable distinction between Jacket and the GPU support in the Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT). Unlike PCT, Jacket was supported on MATLAB releases as old as R2007b (7.5) and also some non-Nvidia GPUs such as AMD’s ATI brand of GPUs.