This chapter aims to systematically integrate the relevant topics presented in the previous chapters to perform system simulation, a major theme of this book, so that readers may have a better and deeper understanding of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) principles. As emphasis, SAR is a complex device that involves radar wave interactions with the target being imaged for signal processing and image formation and focusing. Two major figures of merit concerning the image quality are the geometric and radiometric accuracy [1]. Hence, it is highly desirable to apply a full-blown SAR image simulation scheme with high verisimilitude, including the sensor and target geolocation relative to the earth, movement of the SAR sensor, SAR system parameters, radiometric and geometric characteristics of the target, and environment clutter. The simulation scheme should at least include the computation of the target’s radar cross section (RCS) or scattering coefficient, trajectory parameter estimation, SAR echo signal generation, and image focusing. Such a simulation scheme is also well suited for spaceborne SAR mission planning. As an application example, identification of a deterministic target over a random background will be demonstrated. The target contrast enhancements by means of nonquadratic optimization and feature extraction are also given to show the complete simulation and application.