Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a condition of the body arising from improper insulin metabolism. This results in an elevated level of blood glucose, which in turn leads to a number of complications in the body. One such serious complication is diabetic retinopathy (DR). DR is a major cause of concern in the developed world since it is a leading cause of blindness in people above 55 years of age [1]. There are treatments for DR, which include laser photocoagulation and corticosteroid injections [1]. But for any treatment to be effective, the diagnosis must be done at an early stage to prevent permanent vision loss. As a result, the World Health Organization recommends regular screening of diabetic patients for signs of DR to treat the condition at an early stage [1]. But one major problem with this recommendation is the requirement for a large number of ophthalmologists who will have to be put in place for handling an increased inow of patients who come in for regular screening. This would be practically impossible in many countries due to


3.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................53 3.2 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................................56