The interaction between an electromagnetic wave and a moving

plasma has been investigated for a long time since the first publi-

cations by Landecker [1] and Lampert [2], and it remains of interest

up to now [3-12]. It is well known that the electromagnetic wave

simultaneously exhibits a change in its amplitude and frequency

and duration compression under such an interaction [13-15]. It has

been shown in previous studies that the electromagnetic wave’s

amplitude and frequency after its reflection from a moving medium

boundary can be enhanced sufficiently. In Refs. 3-8, the method

for multiplication of a wave frequency when a wave reflects from

a plasma moving in the opposite direction has been considered in

detail and the possibility for experimentally realising such a method

has been shown in Refs. 4 and 5. As the reflection is most effective

when the wave phase velocity is near the plasma velocity, a slow-

wave structure has been used in this work. Frequencymultiplication

of 11-20% at an initial frequency of 24.75 MHz has been achieved

with strong wave slowdown (200-300 times) and the plasma

velocity near 6 × 104 m/s. However, the gain factor and frequency multiplication factor in this method are confined by difficulties in

the production of a slow-wave structure, the technology for which

becomes more complicated with increasing frequency and wave

slowdown.Moreover, this approach does allow one to independently

adjust the gain factor and frequency multiplication factor as they

change concurrently by varying the ratio of wave phase velocity to

plasma velocity. These disadvantages can be avoided if one takes

into account the influence of a waveguide on the interaction of an

electromagnetic wave with a medium. It appears that it does not

need any artificial slowdown of awave as anothermechanism comes

into play: the natural slowing of group velocity in a waveguide. In

this case adjustment of the gain factor and frequency multiplication

factor are practically implemented separately. The efficiency of such

changes is characterised by the ratio of the boundary velocity to the

wave group velocity; this is of vital importance in waveguides where

a double dispersion mechanism occurs [10, 11]. The importance of

this mechanism for determining the energy characteristics of re-

flected electromagnetic waves will be shown in this section. Usually

the power characteristics are considered; however, if the plasma

arises and starts to move at a certain time moment then the wave

interaction with the plasma is accompanied by the appearance

of a transient electromagnetic field. The spectral structure of the

secondary electromagnetic waves is of interest even in the case of

a steady uniform movement of the medium boundary [16]. If the

movement is not steady the evolution of the electromagnetic wave

has to be considered as in the previous chapter [17].