Types of oils and oil products [2] that are commercially available for use as pesticides are the following: Insecticide (I)/Fungicide (F), Brand name, Manufacturer, and Oil Type/Source: (1) I and F, Orchex(R), Columet Lubricant Co, and Petroleum/Paraffin; (2) I and F, Ultra-Fine (R) Oil, White mite Micro-Gen, and Petroleum/Paraffin; (3) I, All Seasons(R) Horticultural Dormant Spray Oil, Bonide and Petroleum/Paraffin; (4) I and F, Saf-T-Side (T M), Monterrey and Petroleum/Paraffin; (5) I, Horticultural Oil Spray, Green Light and Petroleum/Paraffin; (6) I and F. JMS StyletOil(R) and Organic JMS Stylet-Oil(R) and Petroleum/Paraffin; (7) I, Vegol Lilly Growing Season Spray Oil, Lilly Miller Brands and Plant/Canola; (8) I and F, GC-Mite, JH Biotech, Inc. and Plant/Clove, Cotton Seed, Garlic; (9) F, GC-3, JH Biotech, Inc. and Plant/Corn, Cotton Seed, Garlic; (10) I and F, Sea Cide (TM), Omega Protein Corp. and Plant/Cotton Seed Oil; (11) I and F, Trilogy(R), Certis USA and Plant/Neem; (12) I and F, Triact, OHP, Inc. and Plant/Neem; (13) I and F, 70% Neem Oil, Monterrey and Plant/ Neem; (14) I and F, Neem (R) Concentrate, Green Light and Plant/Neem; (15) I and F, Rose(R) Defense, Green Light, and Plant/Neem; (16) I and F, Phyta-Guard EC, Monterrey, and Plant/Rosemary & Clove; (17) I and F, Organocide, Organic Laboratories and Plant/Sesame oil; (18) I and F, Golden Pest Spray Oil, Stoller Enterprises Inc., and Plant/Soybean.