
Recent years have witnessed unprecedented growth of research and applications in the area of

nanoscience and nanotechnology. There is increasing optimism that nanotechnology, as applied to

medicine, will bring significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Anticipated

applications in medicine include drug delivery, diagnostics, nutraceuticals, and production of

biocompatible materials (ESF 2005; Ferrari 2005; Vision Paper 2005). Engineered nanoparticles

(!100 nm) or nanostructured materials (NSM) are important tools to realize these applications.

The reason why these nanoparticles (NP) are attractive for such purposes is based on their important

and unique features, such as their surface to mass ratio that is much larger than that of other

particles, their quantum properties, and their ability to adsorb and carry other compounds. NP

have a large (functional) surface that is able to bind, adsorb, and carry other compounds such as

drugs, probes, and proteins. However, many challenges must be overcome if the application of

nanotechnology is to realize the anticipated improved understanding of the patho-physiological

basis of disease, bring more sophisticated diagnostic opportunities, and yield improved therapies.

One of the most challenging problems that nanotechnology is facing is posed by research data with

combustion-derived nanoparticles (CDNP), such as diesel exhaust particles (DEP). Research has

demonstrated that exposure to CDNP is associated with a wide variety of effects (review:

Donaldson et al. 2005) including pulmonary inflammation, immune adjuvant effects (Granum

and Lovik 2002), and systemic effects including blood coagulation and cardiovascular effects

(review: Borm and Kreyling 2004; Oberdo