A researcher in the field of heterogeneous catalysis, alongside the important studies of catalysts’ chemical properties (i.e., properties at a molecular level), inevitably encounters problems determining the catalyst structure at a supramolecular (textural) level. A powerful combination of physical and chemical methods (numerous variants x-ray diffraction (XRD), IR, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), XPS, EXAFS, ESR, Raman of Moessbauer spectroscopy, etc. and achievements of modern analytical chemistry) may be used to study the catalysts’ chemical and phase molecular structure. At the same time, characterizations of texture as a fairytale Cinderella fulfill the routine and very frequently senseless work, usually limited (obviously in our modern transcription) with electron microscopy, formal estimation of a surface area by a BET method, and eventually with porosimetry without any thorough insight.