Starting with the selected architectural vision as a foundation, the architecture team completes and documents the architectural models of the system or subsystem during this task. Because the architecture is based on the selected architectural vision of the system or subsystem, the vision must exist before the architecture team can begin this task. e architecture team begins by completing the logical and physical as well as static and dynamic architectural views of the system or subsystem. ese views will largely consist of a consistent set of architectural models that were identified in the architectural vision. e architecture team then builds on these incomplete models by creating specialty-engineering focus areas, which typically address the architecture’s support for individual architectural concerns (such as interoperability, performance, reliability, safety, and security). Next, the architecture team engineers the different types of interface architectural models. During the performance of these steps, the architecture team documents the architecture in architectural diagrams, models, architectural quality cases [Firesmith et al., 2006], and various architectural documents.