Dimensions .................................................................................................. 392 22.5 Brand as a Construct to Facilitate Anchoring of a Positioning ................... 393 22.6 Developing a Positioning ............................................................................ 394 22.7 Developing Executional Elements to Achieve the Desired Positioning ...... 396 22.8 Anticipating Competitive Effects and Reactions ........................................ 397 22.9 Application of the Positioning Concept to the Food Industry .................... 398 References .............................................................................................................. 398

The “Positioning Era” can be traced to an article on the subject published by Jack Trout in 1969. In 1972, Al Ries and Jack Trout published a series of articles on the topic in Advertising Age. But it was Ries and Trout’s 1981 bestselling book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, which fi rmly established and popularized the concept on Madison Avenue (quickmba.com).