Theorem 1.1 Probability’s Role Questions propel us through life. Instinctually driven tens of thousands of years ago, the search for their solution may now be more cerebral, but their irresistible tug is unchanged. Be they questions of personal survival in primitive cultures (“Where will my next meal come from? Will I be attacked? Will my baby survive?”), questions of agriculture (“Will our crops be raided by the enemy? Will there be enough rain?”), modern national security (“Will our enemy attack? When will that be? Will we be ready?”), society is besought with questions. Personal questions are no less demanding (Will I graduate? Can I find a good job? Will I survive this car accident? Can I pay for the damages?). The consuming capability of emotional questions (“Will he ever leave me? Does she really love me? Will my death be long and painful?”) speaks to their own personal power. Our survival seems destined to depend on questions, and our life’s character is shaped by the search for their answers.