Some of the theorists note that some of the European states have worked toward the welfare state. However, even in 21st century, there are still questions, especially in the eld of socially sensitive spheres, that remain to be addressed (Pestieau 2006; 1). On the other hand, a fact that most of the European Union states aim to meet the needs of those who are unable to take care of their needs should be considered the main achievement of contemporary societies. Even if today we enjoy the highest standard of living the humankind ever enjoyed, there are groups of people and individuals’ whose basic needs are neglected. In education, there are many groups whose access to recourses is limited due to background or historical circumstances. Older adults, migrants, and learners with special needs not always have access to the educational (or other) necessary services. Sometimes it is more expensive to provide these services; sometimes there is a lack of competence within community of educationalists to provide services; or both. Project activities in the eld of education provide opportunities to consolidate recourses, human, nancial, and organizational, for the provision of services that otherwise would be delayed or not accessible (Zuzevičiūtė and Žvinienė 2007).