Nanocarbon clusters such as carbon nanotubes and fullerenes can be the candidates to satisfy above-mentioned processability, intrinsic photoelectronic functionalities, and, of course, π-conjugated systems (materials). Fullerene (C60) and the derivatives are known as one kind of promising organic materials because of the electron-transport property (n-type organic semiconductor) [8,9], rich electrochemistry [10,11], photoresponsibility [12,13], and bio-activity [14,15]. Especially, only a few researches have been successfully conducted in the preparation of fullerene assemblies, although the synthesis of fullerene derivatives, including their conjugate molecules with the other functional unit, are well developed [16-20]. erefore, the preparation of practical materials having controlled morphologies from these functional fullerene derivatives is now highly awaited and would become a key development in the fabrications of organic so materials.