Manufacturing of X-ray sources demands a broad skill set and an experienced and well-trained sta.

Fueled by increasing public attention to patient dosing of ionizing radiation,  incidents in medical practice, progress of failure prevention, legal enforcement of obligations, and quality control of manufacturing have gained unprecedented importance since the turn of the millennium. Measures to ensure compliance and eorts to verify and validate products and production processes have increased tremendously during the past two decades. e eort consumes a signicant share of time in development, in the case of system development often more than half. A limited number of vendors of medical X-ray sources are able to comply with these strict rules. Technical challenge adds to the complexity, notably because vacuum electronics has departed from being part of mainstream industrial technology development. is chapter provides a brief insight into the processes used in the production of X-ray tubes, touch replacement of worn-out units, basic questions on  statistics, warranty and environmental aspects, and ways to spare resources.