Stock prices can become negative in this model. A more accurate model that removes this unhappy possibility is geometric Brownian motion:

dS Sdt SdWt= +µ σ (20.2)


S(t) is stock price versus time

S(0) is stock price today

dW is random increment of a Wiener process

σ is volatility

μ is dri

We know by denition that

E dW Std dW dtt t( ) , ( )= =0

What exactly does dS Sdt VSdWt= +µ mean? Suppose we have

dx a x t dt b x t dWt= +( , ) ( , )

x(0) = A

en, by integrating both sides (at rst proceeding rather formally), we have

x t A a x s ds b x s dW

s( ) ( , ) ( , )= + +∫ ∫ 0 0


e second integral in Equation 18.3 is what we term a “stochastic integral.”