Diabetes mellitus (DM) and thyroid disorders are among the most common endocrine disorders. Multiple botanicals have been studied and used for these conditions with mixed findings. Botanicals that have shown benefit in DM include American ginseng, berberine, fenugreek, flaxseed, ivy gourd, and red yeast rice. In addition, other botanicals that have a potential role as adjunct treatment include glucomannan and psyllium. Evidence from clinical trials remains insufficient regarding cinnamon, gymnema, and stevia for DM, despite widespread use in some populations. Asian ginseng, bitter melon, and soy also have conflicting data for their roles. Data for selected botanicals for hypothyroidism has not shown benefit. Gypsywort, bugleweed, and lemon balm have positive but limited evidence for hyperthyroidism. The clinical use of gromwell is limited by its safety concerns and it should be used in caution. Use of botanicals with prescription drugs for DM and thyroid disorders needs additional research to maximize patient outcomes.98