Education leadership has been subject to a period of turmoil with rapid social change, political demands for excellence, economic pressures for austerity and the influence of technology impacting on leadership roles in multiple ways. This book draws on real examples of practice to identify the key challenges facing educational leadership and how these might be overcome drawing on recent research and interventions that have impacted positively on learner outcomes and teacher retention.

Covering all aspects of leadership including school improvement, vision and values, working with partners and leading change, the book launches the concept of atomic leadership, advocating small steps to change for maximum momentum and large-scale impact. It reveals how leaders can cooperate to trial new ways of learning and disseminate their successes and failures with a new honesty and openness about what works in our schools.

With reflective tasks in every chapter, this text will inspire debate and inform discussion at staff meetings and is essential reading for all school leaders as well as those undertaking master-level courses in educational leadership and or pursuing the National Professional Qualifications in leadership.

part I|42 pages

Leadership as influence

chapter 1|11 pages

What is educational leadership?

chapter 2|14 pages

What leaders think

part II|42 pages

Leadership with purpose

chapter 5|15 pages

Emerging school associations

The English story

part III|52 pages

Leadership in context

chapter 7|10 pages

Influencing student learning

chapter 8|15 pages

Knowledge mobilisation and followership

chapter 9|15 pages

Working with diversity

chapter 10|10 pages

Leading continuing professional development

part IV|54 pages

Leadership with responsibility

chapter 12|16 pages

Leveraging technology

chapter 13|16 pages

Managing resources and risk

chapter 14|6 pages

The final word