[377/1] The cause of my delay at starting being past, as I had received what I was waiting for, I was now free and so took leave of Prince Assofo Kan, and next day, [377/2] before the son of Jupiter and Latona 1 had spread his brilliant golden rays over the Earth, we left the City of Laor for that of Multan. 2 This place was ten days' journey distant, and we travelled continuously through cultivated land bearing wheat, rice, vegetables, and cotton. [378/1] Where no crops were growing many villages and hamlets occupied the vacant spaces, in all of which we met with excellent Caramossoras and cheap provisions. So, journeying comfortably on, we reached Multan City, which, though but a place of moderate size, is nevertheless very wealthy, well stocked, and plentifully supplied with all necessaries and conveniences man desires. This was due to 222its being the halting-place of all the cafilas coming from Persia, Corazane, and other distant kingdoms.