This chapter defines renewable energy. It discusses the numerous advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy technologies. Each renewable energy is discussed as follows: (a) solar; (b) wind; (c) biomass; (d) hydro power, (e) geothermal energy; (f) salinity gradient; (g) fuel cells; (h) tidal energy; (i) wave energy; (j) ocean thermal conversion systems; (k) human, animal, and piezoelectric energy; and (l) cold fusion and gravitational field energy. Simple example problems to determine conversion efficiencies of some renewable energy technologies are presented.

The final discussion at the end of the chapter includes the reasons for the use of renewable energy technologies worldwide. The major issue is associated with economics and sustainability as well as effect on climate change and environmental pollution brought about by the extensive use of fossil fuels. It discusses the issue of utilizing each renewable energy resource in “renewable mode” that is, the rate of consumption must be less than the rate of generation.