This chapter presents the technical procedure for estimating the available wind energy from actual wind speed data. The procedure uses the Weibull distribution and the Rayleigh distribution. The basic energy and power equations are presented, including numerous examples and units to use for reporting wind energy resources in a given location. The worldwide wind energy potential is also presented. The classic power curve following the Betz coefficient is illustrated showing the theoretical and actual power that could be derived from wind.

Various types of windmill classifications are discussed based on speed, blade positions, and orientation of blade axis. Wind speed measuring instruments are discussed. The classical equation to estimate wind speed at other heights using power is presented and based on the surface roughness of a given potential site.

The general components of a typical wind machines are enumerated, including design parameters such as wind capacity factor and availability.

Finally, comparative costs of power of wind machines are discussed. Estimation of simple payback period calculations for small wind turbines is presented.