Contextual Transactional Analysis: The Inseparability of Self and World offers a novel and comprehensive reworking of key concepts in transactional analysis, offering insight into the causes of psychological distress and closing the gap between training and clinical practice. By providing a bigger picture – as much sociological as psychological – of what it means to be human, the book makes an essential contribution to current debates about how best to account for and work with the social and cultural dimensions of client experience.

James M. Sedgwick captures the ongoing importance of what happens around us and the distinctive kinds of psychological distress that arise from persistent and pervasive environmental disadvantage. Beginning with a view of people as always situated and socialised, the book highlights the many ways that the world always and everywhere constrains or enables thought and action. Ranging through ideas about the kinds of contextual conditions which might make psychological distress more likely and illuminating the complex relationship between socialisation and autonomy, the book suggests what the implications of these conclusions might be for clinical understanding and practice. Sedgwick’s insightful and compassionate work revises the theoretical framework, fills a current gap in the clinical literature and points the way to greater practitioner efficacy.

Contextual Transactional Analysis will be an insightful addition to the literature for transactional analysts in practice and in training, for professionals interested in the theory and practice of transactional analysis and anyone seeking to understand the contribution of context to psychological distress.

See the below link for an interview about the book with Mark Head:


part I|87 pages

Context Introduced

chapter |14 pages


Making a place for the contextual

chapter 1|26 pages

Self-and-World and Horizontal Problems

chapter 2|20 pages

The Good Enough World

chapter 3|25 pages

The Parent Ego-State Rediscovered

part II|39 pages

Theoretical Contexts

chapter 5|18 pages

Language, Pragmatism and Dialogue

part III|58 pages

The Individual in Context

chapter 6|20 pages

Frame of Reference

chapter 7|18 pages

Games Along the Horizontal Axis

part IV|11 pages

Our Present and Future

chapter 9|9 pages

The Inseparability of Therapy and World