From the review of studies on the drivers of local innovation systems’ performance reviewed in Chapter 1, two main approaches have been identified, namely the input-driven and the output-driven approaches. This chapter aims to explore a particular aspect that is studied within the input-driven approach (i.e. the relational dimension), where the book is grounded. To this end, Section 2.1 provides an in-depth analysis of key concepts and empirical issues concerning this specific analytical perspective. More precisely, the section discusses the key role played by networks of relationships within systems of innovation, with specific regard to the benefits deriving from partnering and the impact of network architecture on the access to relational capital. Section 2.2 offers an overview of the proximity framework, which highlights the conditions that favor network emergence. Section 2.3 introduces the use of social network analysis (SNA) as an approach for the study of LIS and illustrates the different positions within the debate on the desirable network structure to boost the innovation system performance, within network literature. Section 2.4 reviews empirical studies adopting a SNA approach for the study of LIS, according to seven specific dimensions. Main findings emerging from the literature review leads to the identification of the literature gap, which is discussed in Section 2.5, before concluding.