Patients with urological complaints can be of any age, physical and mental disposition, either (or both) sex, and hail from every social background imaginable. Take an incomplete history, ignoring the social side and you will miss men and women who have fought at sea in the Battle of Jutland, on land in the mud of Ypres, flew on the Dambusters raid, served corgis aboard the Royal Yacht and acted as the Queen's chauffeur. The consultation should, as always, start with introductions and the offer of a handshake, after which its own flavour will develop. Like other surgical long cases, the consultation should take about 20 minutes. The complaint may be of an emergency nature, in which case analgesia or other pain-relieving treatment should be available as soon as the cause of the problem is established. If the patient wishes, any interested accompanying relative or supporter should be encouraged to be present during the history-taking and final discussion.