If hypoglycaemia is clinically suspected, rapidly check the blood sugar with a BM stix and treat if hypoglycaemia, having first taken a blood specimen for formal estimation. Hypoglycaemia is unusual unless the plasma glucose is less than 2.5 mmol/l, however the threshold varies from patient to patient, e.g a diabetic who has prolonged hyperglycaemia may get symptoms if the plasma glucose is rapidly lowered towards the normal level. Rapidly reverse the hypoglycaemia. After reversal the aetiology of the episode is sought and appropriate advice given. 1. Mild episodes are treated by the patient taking a sugared drink (e.g. 3 or 4 lumps of sugar with a little water), which may be repeated in 10-15 minutes. This will raise blood glucose rapidly and should be followed by some biscuits to maintain the blood sugar.