Introduction The requirement to implement an SCC program can come proactively based on internal motivation or from outside forces, usually in the form of a specification. How this requirement occurs can influence the perceived benefits and final success of the SCC program. Two examples highlight this concept. In the first case, a contractor began a project using conventionally vibrated, high-slump concrete to cast reinforced concrete walls. Upon demolding, the walls were covered with imperfections, which was unacceptable since the walls would be painted and exposed. Patching was undesirable from both an aesthetic and an economic perspective. The concrete producer suggested the idea of trying SCC. A mock-up wall was approved and the placement was successful. sec was used for the remainder of the project and resulted in an almost flawless surface finish that required no patching. This contractor has gone on to study the use of sec and has implemented the technology into multiple other projects. In the second case, SCC was specified by the engineer for use in the construction of a high-rise building. In this case, the contractor said he had difficulty seeing the benefits of sec and "could have done it just as well the old way." On subsequent questioning, however, this second contractor confessed that he had not spent significant time finding ways to change his processes and take advantage of what sec could offer him. This story is not an indictment of the second contractor but rather an example of how the motivation to use sec can have a very real impact on the extraction of its benefits. The first contractor had a problem that was solved, he experienced the value of sec, and went on to further study and benefit from it, while the second contractor was made to use sec because it was specified. This second contractor was not invested in its use. The successful implementation of sec (or any new technology) requires commitment. Without this internal motivation, the effort required to search out and take advantage of the benefits may be lacking.