A prioritization may be required to manage effectively safety control programs. Thus a structured industrial area is suitable to experiment a “risk based” approach in inspection and surveillance program. It could enable safety authorities to concentrate resources on establishments at a higher risk level, thus reducing efforts

a risk based method a risk value, prioritizes the unit according to the measured risk and designs the inspection program. The method has to be adaptable too. Even though risk understanding is just qualitative, it should be able to address an inspection program by means of a rough hazard classification and of a ranking of inspection results. Furthermore inspection priorities should be reconciled with regulatory and social purposes. The program should integrate the different hazard in the area, including occupational incident and major accident, in order to address all the activities carried out by public bodies in safety matters. The inspection frequency should be optimized, considering that intensification, over a certain limit, becomes useless, as it has been demonstrated by Newbold and et al. (2008).