Foundations with reinforcements stemming from the side of the foundation diagonally downward or horizontally were developed and constructed to increase the uplift bearing capacity of electric transmission towers and other similar structures (Matsuo and Ueno 1989; Tokyo Electric Power Company and Dai Nippon Construction 1990). To investigate the effect of the reinforcements, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) model tests of the foundations using flexible reinforcements under vertical and inclined uplift loading conditions were carried out. The main objective was to investigate the mechanism of reinforcement and to find out the most effective arrangement under different loading conditions. Attention was paid particularly to the direction and position of the reinforcements. The numerical analyses were also carried out with finite element codes FEMtij-2D and FEMtij-3D. More detailed experimental and numerical results on this topic are described in Nakai et al. (2010).