In China, the geological disasters of landslide and mud-rock flows cause losses of over 1000 lives and total economic losses of over 10 billions of RMB each year. There are a lot of methods and equipments for landslides monitoring. This chapter introduces the existing landslides monitoring technology, methods and equipments and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. The type of the landslide, the environmental conditions of the landslide, the expected accuracy and the professionals who use the deformation monitoring techniques are also the important factors to be considered. Measurements can be carried out during night or day, under varying weather conditions, which makes Global Positioning System measurements economical, especially when multiple receivers can be deployed on the landslide during the survey. Aerial photogrammetry and terrestrial photogrammetry have been extensively used in determining landslide movements studies. Geotechnical sensors are used extensively in the monitoring of landslides.