This chapter investigates the considering effect of the parameters at the interface between geogrids and compacted expansive soils and the elastic modulus of geogrids, restraint effect of geogrids on the deformation of slope due to moisture absorption of unsaturated expansive soil. The non-linear finite difference method is adopted to analyze behavior of expansive soil slope reinforced with geogrids under moisture increment of unsaturated expansive soils. ‘‘Expansive soil slope reinforced with geogrids’’ has been successfully applied in some projects in China, but there is lack of study on its engineering behavior. Behavior of slope reinforced with geogrids under moisture absorption condition of unsaturated expansive soils is analyzed adopting the finite difference method. Expansive soil has high clay content and strong hydrophilic minerals rich in bentonites and illites, exchangeable cations. Geo-hazards caused by expansive soil occur worldwide and the resulting harms are huge. A large number of engineering show that failure of expansive soil slope appears as shallow slide and progressive failure.