The Albano maar activity is linked to the hydromagmatic phase of the Colli Albani volcanic complex; the corresponding crater is actually the result of the coalescence of at least several recognizable craters which mark different stages of activity. As a result, the geological setting of the inner slopes of the Albano lake, corresponding with the internal walls of the multiple maar, is mainly featured by outcrops of hydromagmatic deposits, which locally overlay lava and scoria deposits related to the volcanic phases of the Colli Albani complex. The geological setting of the subaerial part of the hereby discussed slope sector is featured by the superimposition of hydromagmatic deposits upon a thick bank of lava lenses and scoria deposits. A first zone corresponds to the scoria deposits including lava levels; a second zone corresponds to the hydromagmatic deposits with a sub-horizontal attitude; a third zone corresponds to the hydromagmatic deposits, showing a slope-dipping attitude.