NADH response in the mitochondria a few seconds after addition of glucose. The response of mitochondria to glucose challenge was certainly to be expected, since the activation of the glycolytic chain is followed by the activation of the Krebs cycle pathways linked to mitochondrial NAD reduction. However, this image represents one of the first direct visual observations as recorded by the CCD camera-integrater system, and as such it is a striking



demonstration of the mitochondrial metabolic function. The effect is quite impressive when one sees the mitochondria suddenly light up. The image observed in the VCR monitor after videocassette recording from the CCD camera-integrater had significantly higher resolution than the printed final image obtained through the Frame grabber (SNAPPY)–PC-printer sequence. Under exactly the same experimental condition, the best state-of-the-art image would require the use of an intensified charge couple device (ICCD) instead of the black-and-white CCD-integrater
