Previous chapters have shown how the Standard Template is designed to be indication-specific and usually addresses the dynamics in a particular existing or potential marketplace. Many of our clients have chosen to create separate and independent Standard Template models for a number of indications of interest, with resulting analysis applying to only those specific indications in isolation. The Dynamic Modeling approach allows for these individual models to be combined into an integrated master or enterprise model that encapsulates all relevant indications, allowing for a firm’s overall portfolio positioning to be evaluated. Although these aggregations are often done as simple roll-ups in many types of traditional forecasting efforts, the Dynamic Modeling approach has the added benefit of incorporating feedback between indications, in the form of patient word-of-mouth, physician prescribing patterns, and/or patient movement between indications over time. Such dynamics are extremely difficult to

capture in static-based methodologies, so the level of insight provided by Dynamic Modeling in this arena can be a great source of competitive advantage.