Adnexal markers of aneuploidy F.Bonilla-Musoles, L.Machado, N.Osborne, F.Raga, I.Lima-Couy, F.Bonilla Jr

and F.Machado


The gestational sac can be observed with transvaginal ultrasound by the 31st day of gestation, which is one week before it can be seen with two-dimensional transabdominal ultrasound. The sac is usually located at one side of the endometrial line. The decidua basalis and parietalis can be distinguished from the decidua capsularis by a small space formed by endometrial secretion, a finding that must not be confused with a decidual abruption. It is important to observe the vascularization of the decidua basalis (chorion frondosum) and to measure its thickness (Figure 1).