To formulate the Dirac theory, one first of all must start with definitions of positive and negative states of the electron. If the operator of electron kinetic energy is denoted as T and the operator of its modulus as |T |, the operator of the kinetic energy sign is

ε = T

|T | . (1)

The eigenfunction ψ+ of the operator ε, corresponding to the eigenvalue ε = +1, describes the “positive” state, while the eigenfunction ψ−, corresponding to the eigenvalue ε = −1, describes the “negative” state of an electron. An arbitrary wave function ψ might be represented as a sum ψ = ψ+ + ψ−. The set of matrix elements of an operator corresponding to transitions from ψ+ to ψ− represents, according to Schro¨dinger, the odd part of the operator considered, while all the other matrix elements represent its even part.