The paper presents decision making model based on combining multi-criteria analysis, selected GIS tools and a posteriori evaluation of obtained solutions. Implementation of proposed model for given case study area in Serbia assumes application of: (1) network river basin computer model ACQUANET/K; (2) participative decision making model AHP/K and several scenario based analysis modules. Both models (1) and (2) are well known worldwide; and an extension /K for both stands after the name of Krivaja River and its watershed used as a case study. ModelACQUANET/K is described briefly because it is simplified version of MODSIM, well documented model/software which uses the same concept of treating complex water management systems. Two scenarios of water allocation on long term basis within the Krivaja watershed were defined in detail and simulated with ACQUANET/K. Existing data are carefully interpreted to create model input, while missing data are estimated in justified engineering and systems analysis manner.