On the basis of results of cultural relics survey and statistics recorded in the Annals of Sichuan, and around the County Hall, the number of Sichuan immigrants hall and industry Hall is 2152. In addition, due to a large spread to the hall in the presence of towns, villages that are do not complete documented and researchers’ view, a conservative estimate number of hall building of the Ming and Qing Dynasty in Sichuan regions should be over 5000. Of which are built since the mid Qing Dynasty. In other areas, the hall mostly concentrated in big cities and important trade port and town, Sichuan region immigrants hall distribution not only throughout the cities and towns, which is more than 90 percent of Sichuan. Hubei and Hunan to Sichuan “large-scale emigration and lasted nearly a hundred years time, (Jiaqing 21 years 1816) published the “Annals of Sichuan

Demographic changes often bring in reconstruction of institutionalized relations of groups, social systems and sub-system. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasty, Sichuan Province is a complex society of immigrants as a population source. Because the traditional social structure is destroyed due to war, disaster or other causes, and various immigrant groups for the maintenance fight for space development as well as requirements to maintain their own cultural inertia of their own interests, which leads to a lot of regional autonomy behavior, so grass-roots civil society organizations, of which is immigrant groups management structure appears and prevail. One of the most representative material entity is the construction a large number of immigrants hall. Compared with other parts of the immigration, the hall in Sichuan region is not only in large quantities, widely distributed, multi-type, and the extension of political control as a national force in grassroots social and economic exchanges and the balancer of interests of all parties and folk culture entertainment life and religious life, the role of the physical carrier is very important and plays an important role in the Sichuan town renaissance since the middle of the Qing Dynasty. By the settlement pattern and spatial pattern formation and evolution of sorting out the existing local chronicles and extensive fieldwork, this effects neglected

basically a region of relatively centralized political, military or economic and cultural center, representing the importance of military defense and political distribution, more stringent site is earlier at the same time the history of the founding of the city, Such as Chengdu, Chongqing, Fengjie, Dachang and so on. The latter spontaneously generated because the needs of the economy, transportation, and settlement level is relatively low. They are not the political, and cultural center of town, and the basic form was along the economy-transportation singlet development, the emergence of the size of the market town of a glyph, T-shaped, cross, and the gridshaped change. Hall became the market town of the most important public buildings, and hall and the town formed a kind of “isomorphism”. The representative are xituo town in Shizhu, Yanfdu town in Zhongxian (Fig. 1).