I. Introduction 61

II. Methods for Evaluation of Risk Factors 62

A. Experimental Skin Irritation 62

B. Study Design 63

III. Experimental Evaluation of Glove Occlusion 65

A. Observations from Glove Studies 65

B. Occlusive Gloves as a Risk Factor 66

1. The Influence of Occlusion 66 2. The Influence of Other Risk Factors 66 C. Conclusion 68

IV. Experimental Evaluation of Water Exposure 68

A. Observations from the Water Study 68

B. Water as a Risk Factor 68

C. Conclusion 68

V. Experimental Evaluation of the Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of a Moisturizer

A. Observations from the Moisturizer Study 69

B. Moisturizers in the Prevention of Irritant Contact Dermatitis 69

C. Conclusion 68

VI. Summary 70

References 71


The prevalence of irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is high among workers in wet occupations,1-3 and contact dermatitis is the most frequently recognized workrelated disease in Denmark4 as probably in most of the industrialized countries, where the service sector is expanding. Therefore, it is important to recognize the risk factors associated with ICD.