The two erectile chambers that contain endothelium-lined spaces or sinusoids that fill with blood, causing an erection

Located in the dorsal/lateral portions of the penis

Apermeable septumdivides the two corpora

2. Corpus spongiosum:

Compartment that contains spongy tissue and the urethra

Located ventral to the corpora cavernosa Connects to the glans or head of the penis Contains the urethra

3. Urethra:

Within the corpus spongiosum until the urogenital septum

Membranous urethra-located between the bladder neck and the urogenital septum

Bulbar urethra-extends from the urogenital septum to the suspensory ligament

Penile urethra-distal to suspensory ligament

C. Arterial Supply

1. Internal Pudendal Arterial System-Paired

a. The deep arterial supply is from the penile artery, which divides into four branches:

Bulbourethral artery Urethral artery Cavernous artery-provides increased flow

for erection; located within each corpus cavernosum

Dorsal artery:

Found on the dorsolateral surface, outside the tunica albuginea

Runs within Buck’s fascia

Located between the deep dorsal vein medially and the dorsal nerve laterally

Enters the glans of the penis distally

2. External Pudendal Arterial System

a. Supplies the skin and dartos fascia.