Interferogram makes a picture of phase differences of subsequent pixels of two SAR images (so-called master image and slave image). The differences of phase are presented in a standard way by a proper scale of colours, where a full sequence of colours reflects the change of the phase of radar signal by 360°. The observed on the interferogram change of phase by a full cycle (360°) is equivalent to the half of the length of the radar signal wave. In case of ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites the length of the wave used by SAR equipment equals 5, 6 cm, i.e. full sequence of interferometric lines (phase change by 2p) presents the transformation of the area surface by 2,8 cm in the direction towards the detection radius. For scanning is done with the angle 23° (figure 2), with the reduction of altitude changes to normal in the area of the radar image, subsequent interference lines occur in places of the difference in area subsidence, which is about 2, 5 cm.