Reactive solvent extraction makes use of specific chemical reactions in order to

promote or achieve a separation task. Commercially available liquid ion exchangers are

widely used in that respect. The nature of the chemistry starts with Van der Waals’

interactions, covalent or ionic binding which may be supported by steric effects.

Additional effects can result from solvents and cosolvents (modifiers) and surfactants

present in the system. After a short introduction into the chemistry the focus of this

chapter will be on reactive equilibria and mass transfer and its impact on the

performance of extraction columns and their current applications. The first extraction processes were with solid extraction in the extraction of

perfumes, waxes, pharmaceutical active oils in an operation quite similar to a modern

Soxhlet apparatus. An extraction pot with an age of about 3500 BC was found 250

km north of Baghdad (see Fig. 1) and extraction instructions were documented by a

Sumerian text of 2100 BC [1]. The next major improvements were in the medieval

age with new solvents like ethanol, mineral acids, and amalgams used to extract and

purify metals. The first extraction of a metal was reported by Peligot [2] who used

diethylether to extract uranyl nitrate which gave a basis to uranium extraction within the ‘‘Manhattan’’ project in the 1940s [3]. Reactive solvent extraction was then a

niche for pyrometallurgically difficult-to-separate metals (Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf) until the

1960s when there was a breakthrough with copper extraction. LIX (liquid ion ex-

changer) chemicals [4] were size-selective extractants for separation of copper from

iron which allowed copper recovery from low-grade ores after a sulfate-leaching pro-

cess. Meanwhile the use of liquid ion exchangers has expanded to a large array of ions

and neutral solutes in hydrometallurgical, environmental, petrochemical, chemical,

and biochemical applications [5-9].