The effect of ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and pulverised fuel ash (PFA) considered in this study, is to reduce permeability. The reason for this reduction is due mainly to the Pozzolanic reaction of calcium hydroxide (Mehta, 2006). Relevant to

The cores were ponded with a 0.55M (3.2%) NaCl solution for 1 day and the following day the saline solution was removed and the surface exposed to air for 6 days at 20 ± 1°C, 55 ± 1% RH. This cyclic regime was chosen to simulate real exposure conditions in the splash zone which Bamforth (1997) identified as the most extreme zone with regard to the accumulation of surface chlorides whilst potentially allowing carbonation to occur. This cycle was repeated every week for twenty four weeks.