The most commonly utilized Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) are fibers made of Carbon (C) or Glass (G). These materials can be designed and used in the form of laminates, rods, dry fibers (sheets) adhesively bonded to the concrete, wet lay-up sheets mounted on the surface, or near surface mounted bars or laminate strips in the concrete cover, (Oehlers et al. 2007; Nordin 2003; Täljsten et al. 2003; Nordin and Täljsten 2006; Carolin and Täljsten 2003). The Carbon FiberReinforced Polymer (CFRP) materials have a high potential for manufacturing effective strengthening systems to increase the flexural or shear strength of RC beams. The CFRP have a very low weight to volume ratio, are immune to corrosion, and possess high tensile strength.