Fig. 6 The flow areas are avl = x - lapl + offset, when > 0 av2 = -x - lap2 - offset, when > 0 av3 = -x - lap3 + offset, when > 0 av4 = x - lap4 - offset, when > 0 otherwise avl=av2=av3=av4=0.

. 1 vaik m.,~ m =--•-'"-·•p ,_ 100 I PH,

where * ml, m2, m3 and m4 are the mass flows

of the edges 1, 2, 3 and 4 [kg/s] * q 1ea is leakage flow depending on pres-

of the cylinder [Pa], abs * Ps is the supply pressure [Pa], abs * P. is atmosphere pressure [Pa], abs

The Dynamics of a Servo Valve The dynamics of servo valve depends on: