We are privileged to live in a society that values freedom and the individual rights of its citizens to have the opportunity to make choices that affect their own well-being. These freedoms are exercised on a daily basis without conscious thought and are many times taken for granted. For example, people make choices about where they will eat lunch, where they will have cars repaired, who will provide care for their children, where they will spend their money, what leisure activities they will participate in, and how they will use their time. One of the most important choices individuals make is the selection of healthcare. The choice of healthcare provider, be it a doctor, a hospital, or an integrated clinical system with a network of doctors and treatment facilities, is a personal choice based on many factors such as professional competence, practice location, specialty of the medicine, and trust in the ability of the medical professional. Selection of someone to provide medical attention is no small matter to be taken lightly; being able to trust the medical professional is arguably of the utmost importance.