Before RFID technology was implemented, only information entering work station can be controlled. State assembly and parts using each line point cannot be determined on the assembly line. After calculating the number of parts the product is the assembly line in time. As the product line inventory levels cannot be determined accurately, there may be unnecessary waste. Of this study was to develop a real-time, accurate and ecient systems will be instant (JIT) concept is applied to the production or transportation quantity only when they need to completely eliminate waste by implementing RFID technology, the production data sent to the back-end system, and monitor part number used in the production, production scheduling, production line, a part of the existing shares. When stock on-hand drops below safety stocks level, stock replenishment stas will be alerted to replenish the stock so that the assembly line stocks are promptly maintained. When product passes through line point, it is examined in real time to ensure that product sequence is complied. An alarm will be sound by the control system in case of non-compliance. The accumulated production volume, list of products, products on assembly line, and production resume at each line point in each work day can also be reviewed in real time.