In the information age warfare, the both warfare parties must pay much more attention to fight to achieve the mastery of information and the right of the space and sky administration in order to win the battle, In the modern war, the right of information is very important for the army like as the blood for the human body. The information, especially the information superiority will play a decisive role in the future war, so the key is to access and control information. If we obtain the control of space to gain the initiative of battle, we can detect and warn In real time on the globe, achieve high quality remote intercontinental communication and carry out the long-distance real-time command and control. The precise strike has become a main way in the information battle. The degree of long-range precision strike and accurate positioning of it can be improved by a space guidance and location. Without the right of space, it is impossible to grasp the information superiority and the air in battle, there would not be the sea and land power. Who controls the space, who would master the right of winning wars.