Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. It includes the distributed computing, parallel computing, utility computing, network storage, virtualization, load balancing, hot standby redundancy and other technology, is a fusion of traditional computer and network technology development. Learner -based learning system in the human brain cloud features in the learning process of the law as a reference, set

up situations, motivational, training ability, to cultivate an interest, thereby improving achievement and quality. Cloud computing realized from the application to interpersonal, from the computer to the user, anywhere access to data from the isolated, random shared data transformation, the future will be a cloud computing driven by collaborative computing world. In China, cloud computing applications in the field of education has been highly valued and armed. Whether cloud network school of higher education, or primary and secondary cloud computer-assisted instruction, training and IT enterprise cloud-based remote centers, cloud computing applications are preliminary, and showing a good momentum of development. Cloud computing has had a profound impact of human learning is not limited to technical dimension, a new application model will encourage people to rethink the approach to learning, learning resources and learning environment design, thereby improving the human learning environment.